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"Broken Bones," Eastern Exposure 2019, p. 34. 


A poem about anger, jealousy, and wishing you could be someone else. A poem about feeling like you're slipping away, even when you're really not.


The Eastern Exposure is Eastern's Creative Writing Club's student-produced literary journal that showcases student writing and artwork. 


"Apollo and All His Friends," Eastern Exposure 2020, p. 45-46.


This short story highlights a summer's evening with friends battling with the idea of growing up.


Although I did not contribute any personal work to this incredible anthology, I volunteered to help compilate a study guide to go with this edition of the Connecticut Literary Anthology. Specifically, I wrote study questions for Torockio's "When It's You." 


For this edition of Keep-ENG in Touch, Eastern's English Department's biannual newsletter that is distributed to faculty, staff, and students within the department, I worked as a co-editor to curate and edit articles, as well as layout and format the newsletter.


For this publication of the annual literary journal, I was the editor-in-chief and in charge of managing submissions alongside the editorial board, proofreading, and creating the layout of the journal. In addition, I have three works published in this edition:


"Driver's Education: For Impostors," p. 15-16

This is a poem that encompasses impostor syndrome and the idea of living in the past in the form of a "driver's education" manual. 


"I Love My Body," p. 30-32

A poem that is an ode to self love. 


"Boys Trip (Abridged)," p. 40-48

This memoir journeys through the narrator's white-water rafting trip that was taken with friends while navigating grief and personal growth.


For volume 3, number 3 of the Central European Journal of Educational Research, I served as a proofreader for the correct use of the English language, as well as grammar and punctuation for five articles published. As proof of these contributions, I was given a certificate of completion.

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